I'm Building an AI Project With ChatGPT

LexGPT project overview!

It's time to start building!

Today, we will go through a high-level overview of the LexGPT project.

An exciting part is - we will code all of this using ChatGPT.

Reducing manual coding to ZERO (hopefully).

What's more exciting?

I'll show you exactly how to do this: every prompt, every step.

Sounds exciting? Let's get to the details!


Goal: build an AI-powered question-answering engine for the Lex Fridman podcast

Here’s the diagram of the project concept:

Creating podcast database

We will use YouTube transcription API to build the database of episodes. Each episode will consist of multiple segments.

The transcripts will be summarized using ChatGPT and Langchain.

This part will be covered from day 6. to day 9. Currently, we are on day 5. so it’s starting tomorrow!

Creating vector store

The database of summaries will then be turned into a vector store using the Hugging Face library.

Every vector will represent a summary of a podcast segment.

This vector store will be hosted using Supabase and pgvector.

This part will be covered from day 10. to day 15.

Question answering AI engine

In order to do question answering, we will use a semantic search and in-context learning using Langchain.

  • First, the user asks a question related to Lex Fridman's podcast

  • This question is embedded into a vector

  • The most similar vectors, i.e. podcast segments are returned

  • Then, in the final step, these found segments are used as a context for LLM. The LLM returns an answer and podcast segments it found.

This will be covered from day 16. to day 19.

Web app, hosting, launching

  • The web app will be built in Streamlit

  • The backend will be hosted via Amazon Lambda

  • The frontend will be hosted via Railway, but I will also talk about how can it be done via Streamlit Community Cloud

  • We will also create a launch on Product Hunt

These topics will be covered from day 20. to the end of the challenge!

This is the fifth day of the 30-day AI challenge.

Over the next month, I will be building the Lex Fridman AI engine with you!

If you're reading this, I assume you'd like to build things. If you stick to this newsletter you will have a running project after a month and know the necessary technology to build AI apps.

I've recently built PodcastGPT and want to share the process with the community. If you haven't seen the app yet, you can get access here: PodcastGPT

This is all for now! See you tomorrow.

Stay focused!
